The China Desk is the latest area of practice that we have developed into because of the constant volume of trade and business activity Taiwan and mainland China. This is spurred by a vast number of our existing clients who are either eager to expand into Mainland China region or already have assets or operations there. The environment in Mainland China is unique in the sense that tasks can never be performed efficiently by merely adhering to the strict letter of the law and given procedures. Most of the time, it is all about knowing the environment and having connections. The nature of our practice in this field is therefore to provide a business based solution to commercial needs rather than to view problems from a strict legalistic approach. It is our experience that issues relating to China must be dealt with the best degree of flexibility and diplomacy.


Our work on China covers a comprehensive range of issues, which includes the following areas:  

  • Incorporation of a JV, wholly foreign-owned enterprise, and representative office  
  • Advise on strategic investment into the Mainland China market 
  • Advise on strategic planning for three-way trade frameworks
  • Review and assistance in negotiating commercial contracts 
  • Research and analysis on Chinese laws and regulations 
  • Corporate acquisition on shares and assets in China  

We have a China licensed lawyer in our office ready and capable to give advice and attend to China related issues.